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Listing your Products

Detailed instructions on how to add a product on Dig Virtual, including uploading photos, descriptions, and SEO tagging.
Manikandan S

Written by Manikandan S

Last updated

  1. Navigate to the Dashboard:

    • Go to the Dig Virtual seller dashboard after registering your business and completing KYC.

  2. Add New Product:

    • Go to the "All Products" section in the dashboard.

    • Click on "Add New Product".

  3. Enter Product Details:

    • Upload product details and photos.

    • Enter the product description, price, and any other relevant details.

  4. SEO Tagging:

    • Use the SEO column to tag your product by mentioning the product name.

  5. Submit for Approval:

    • Once all details are entered, "submit" the product.

    • The Dig Virtual Technical Team will review and approve the product within 24-48 hours.

Note: Ensure all product details are accurate and the photos are of high quality to enhance visibility and appeal to potential customers.